Finding A Hotel Within Budget

Are You Staying At An Extended Stay Hotel While Your Family Waits For A New Home? 3 Tips To Help Your Child Adjust

Relocations are always challenging, yet your family can pull together during this time to make the move less stressful. While you've likely done what you can to help your child get ready for the move, you may hit a few snags once your are full-on in the middle of it and still haven't found a home. Fortunately, an extended stay hotel gives your family a comfortable place to stay that has many of the same comforts of home, such as a kitchenette that allows you to maintain a semi-normal routine. In addition to cooking and eating as a family together, you can use these tips to help your child adjust in your temporary home away from home.

Establish House Rules

Right now, your child may be feeling apprehensive about their uncertain future, and creating structure helps them feel more in control. When you arrive at your extended stay room, sit down as a family and create some house rules. For instance, your child may need to know where to put their dirty laundry and what time they need to go to bed. You can even set up a few age-appropriate chores for your children. While the hotel crew will take care of most of the cleaning, your kids can help wash dishes and put groceries away in the fridge. 

Bring a Few Comfort Items

One of the best things about an extended stay room is that it is already set up with comfort items such as freshly washed sheets and even a TV. However, your child may want a few of their personal items to enjoy such as a stuffed animal to snuggle with in their cozy, warm bed. While you want to keep extra items to a minimum, having some books or other items that make your kid happy will help them keep their mind occupied.

Start Exploring Your New Town

When you choose your extended stay hotel, try to find one that is in close proximity to your future neighborhood. This way, you can get out and explore the different venues in your new town. Take a drive by your child's future school so that they know what to expect, and consider taking them to a few places where kids their age hang out, such as the local park. Then, you can all go back to your hotel and talk about your adventures together as you continue your search for a new home.
